Thanks for the info. That's really strange, but it has been that slow
since the beginning, and it was a new server. Do you have some special
tuning of the PostgreSQL DB? What is your shared_buffers size?

If you're saying that it's far from end - I'm wondering how big the DB
will grow? If it's like this it won't work on this machine anyway (750
GB disk space).

On 21.07.2010 13:22, Kirill Bestoujev wrote:
> This is terribly strage that it took you 23 days with such good
> hardware. Something is wrong, I have a much slower machine and it
> takes me less time to import the planet. And you were not in the end
> of the process - les then half of nodes were imported in current
> tables, so the import was far from end...
> try to use the
> buffer command, it may help to increase the speed.
> Kirill
> 2010/7/21 Klemens <>:
>> Intel Core i7-920 Quad-Core, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD
>> (Software-RAID 1)

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