On 12/10/2010 20:45, Chris Browet wrote:
I am wondering (I wonder a lot lately ;-)) if some have already given a thought to the fact that nodes actually represent 2 different concepts in the current api:
- a node in the geometrical sense, i.e. used to define a linestring/way
- a POI
True, but the difference between the two is just the presence or lack of tags. It's not a complex technical difference.
Seems to me that it would:
- be less confusing, both for consumers and editors
An untagged node that's a member of a way is easy to test for, and can be represented differently in any editing application just as easily as a different primitive.
- save db space
I'm not convinced this would be the case -- can you expand on how?
- save memory/CPU cycle on the consumer side
Again, I can't immediately see this. Can you explain further?

I'd rather we (re-)implemented a proper area primitive in the next API version -- I think that solves more problems.

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