Hi All,
I think this has been asked before, but I have not managed to find the
answer, sorry!

I am trying to maintain an up-to date database of the UK for mapnik
rendering.   I have had it working fine previously using daily diffs, but am
trying to get minutely updates going using osmosis using the recipe in Minutely
Mapnik <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Minutely_Mapnik>.

The thing I changed from that recipe was to add a bounding box to osm2pgsql
to (I hope) strip out the changes outside of my area.
To get things up to date quickly, I set maxInterval to zero in
It took a while (couple of days)  - little virtual machine, but now it has
finished my database seems to be huge - 11GB compared to the one (on a
different computer) of the UK which is 5GB.  'vacuum' did not make any

Is there a trick I am missing to do the bounding box extraction correctly?
The simple script I used to do the processing is below.



osmosis --read-replication-interval workingDirectory=$WORKDIR_OSM
--simplify-change  --write-xml-change changes.osc.gz
osm2pgsql --append -d gis -m -s -S ~/default.style --bbox -11,49.5,2,61

Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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