Hi all,

I'm a student from National University of Singapore, and interested in
applying GSoC'11. I checked the idea list of last year and found one:
Develop a Simple Mapping Tool for Mobile Phones

Many mobile phones contain cameras, microphones and GPS receivers so it is
possible to take geotagged pictures and audio clips and record GPX tracks.
Some software exists that does this, but there is not a simple application
that makes these tasks easy, 'one click' activities as they tend to be
included as ad-ons to more complex applications.
Can it be re-proposed in this year? This idea is a bit similar to part of my
current research work, i.e., mapping videos on the map. I think it would be
a nice application that when we upload a video to youtube or a photo to
flickr from the mobile phones, we also upload the GPS tracks and the
permanent link of the photo/video to OSM. Afterwards, OSM can add a
phone/video layer to show the multimedia. How do you think about this?


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Graham Jones <grahamjones...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> I have added a couple of ideas - not much detail but they are relatively
> simple - both targeted towards making it easier for non-programmers to make
> maps using mapnik.   One is a stylesheet generation tool, and the other a
> system to package the toolchain to run mapnik on a number of operating
> systems.
> Regards
> Graham.
> On 10 March 2011 19:38, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> As admin for OSM's application to Google's Summer of Code this year, I'd
>> like to remind everyone that we're looking for some project ideas for
>> students to work on here on the wiki page:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GSoC_Project_Ideas_2011. The
>> application deadline is roughly 24 hours away and we only have 2 ideas
>> listed so far.
>> All OSM-related projects are welcome to add project ideas. Any editors,
>> tools, or libraries related to OSM should feel free to throw their ideas on
>> this page so we can have a well-rounded list. Google uses this ideas page as
>> part of the application process, so we should show them the diverse set of
>> ideas our community has.
>> Please feel free to pass this on to other mailing lists!
>> -Ian
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> --
> Graham Jones
> Hartlepool, UK.
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> dev mailing list
> dev@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev

Zhijie Shen
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
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