Hi all,

my name is Linas Valiukas, I'm from Vilnius, Lithuania. I study
journalism here, but no worries, I was a programming nerd from day one

So, question: which platform/framework would be the best for creating
a mobile POI collector? I don't think Qt Quick would do because it is
nowhere near mature on the iOS, and it would be nearly impossible to
follow "mobile design guidelines" as they differ between platforms. I
don't see how HTML+JS solutions (e.g. PhoneGap) could work well too.

So, my idea would be to go with the iOS platform only and create the
application for the iPhone/iPad/(whatever Apple comes up with in the
near future). iOS by far is the most active platform in terms of
application usage and has a huge user base.

Would the iOS-only application do as the GSoC proposal?

Linas Valiukas
tel: +370 687 65870
skype: shirshegsm
www: http://pypt.lt

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