> For those of you tracking the code: I've also started work on a new branch
> ('refactor' at https://github.com/systemed/potlatch2) to form the basis of a
> future version. This includes a huge bunch of under-the-hood changes with
> two aims:
> - Allow multiple Maps to be displayed in one P2 instance
> - Bring VectorLayers and Connections together in the Connection classes
> The code is in a very half-baked stage so far after just a day's coding,
> though it is at least loading the map again. You can see more of the
> progress in the REFACTOR.txt file
> (https://github.com/systemed/potlatch2/blob/refactor/REFACTOR.txt).

I've been doing a lot of the refactoring of the VBL stuff, so most
things are working again (including bug layers, MyGPX, public traces
etc). More work needs to be done.

One of the things that we might need to think about is the slightly
dual-purpose of the Connections. For two of the VBL things I've been
working on - public traces and MyGPX - we want to talk to the same
server as the Map.editableLayer does (in terms of URLs, policy files,
oauth etc). However, we certainly don't want to be mixing up Entities
with those on the main connection.

This comes to a head with what I just worked on- Trace.as[1] -
downloading private traces from the server via an authenticated
Connection, and then storing the data in a per-trace "empty
connection" just for nodes and ways storage. That involves the Trace
having two "connections", and also the delights of "new
Connection(filename, null, null, null);" - perhaps if a connection
doesn't even need a URL it's something else entirely? Some kind of
EntityStore? It just feels a little strange.

I'm happy to leave it the way it is for now, unless anyone has any
better ideas[2]. At least this is a word of caution for anyone doing
VBL stuff - if you're working with data coming from the main server,
that's not the main geo-data, be careful with your Connections!


[2] Including pointing out to me if I'm making all this more complex
than it needs to be.

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