Thanks for all your reply,

I have re deploy my osm2pgsql with nominatim_commit.patch

But the error still same.

What will happen if i ignore it ?

2011/12/21 Sarah Hoffmann <>

> Hi,
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 06:17:54AM +0700, Anwar Azulfa wrote:
> > Now i have user gazetteer from
> >
> >
> > this is my step by step installation which i follow:
> >
> > 1.createdb
> >
> > 2.import sql file
> >
> > cat /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/pg_trgm.sql | psql gazetteer
> > cat /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql | psql
> > gazetteer
> > cat /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql |
> > psql gazetteer
> >
> > 3.load planet data
> > ./osm2pgsql -S --slim -d gazetteer -C 2048
> > ~/AllMap/indonesia.osm.bz2
> >
> > 4.copy lib into /usr/local/share
> > sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/gazetteer
> > sudo cp .libs/ /usr/local/share/gazetteer/
> >
> > 5.add suplementary data
> >
> > when i import file below to db
> >  cat import_country_name.sql | psql gazetteer
> >
> > i get error message like
> There is currently a bug in osm2pgsql. It forgets to actually commit
> your data. I'm trying to get that fixed in svn.
> For the moment, I have a patch attached. Apply it, recompile osm2pgsql and
> redo everything from step 3.
> Sarah

M.Iftakhul Anwar
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