Hi All,
I updated the section of the project ideas page relating to this project
idea last night.
I think it reflects the issues raised in this thread,  but please help to
clarify if I have missed anything.
Main change was stressing that a successful application will need to review
existing applications and identify the gap the proposal is filling.  Also
stress preference for working on existing application over starting another


from my phone

On 13 Mar 2012 01:17, "Peter Gervai" <grin...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:32, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:
>> I'm Gihan De Silva a...

> The won't be *the* osm application. Depending on what you want to do
> need several differe...

I am really amused when people want to start yet another application
without checking the bunch of already existing ones. I guess I have at
least 4-5 apps on my phone handling OSM more or less. Some of them is
pretty advanced in the areas they cover. [I personally use OSMand for
routing and Locus for everything else, but there are lots of apps
really. Starting yet another one and leaving it half finished or
unsupported later isn't really helping anyone. Writing "official" code
ought to imply YEARS of continuous support... People tend to forget
about that.]


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