Komяpa <m...@komzpa.net> wrote:

> If mapnik sytlesheet will become AGPL we'll have to get rid of our
> local instance, just to make sure our stylesheet won't be affected.

I have not been talking about changing the (unknown) licence of the original
mapnik stylesheet but of our germanstyle which is a derivative.

I'm certainly not willing to invest any time in some public domain thing
which anybody could just use and fork into a proprietary version.

Probably there is a better copyleft type licence than AGPL for this kind of

> Too viral licenses are hard to deal with and should really be avoided
> unless you've got a really really good reason.

Hm, I did not intend to start a BSD vs. GPL Flamewar :(

People are already doing bussiness using proprietary styles (e.g.
http://francetopo.fr/) which is fine for me as long as they do not include
my own work.


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