Am 2012-05-21 20:00, schrieb Marcus Wolschon:
> If you don't have any URLs to list, I recommend only an EditText.
> That's way easier becauser the EditTextPreference already handles it
> and it does not confuse the user with an empty list.

There will be at least one URL in the list by default (the official
URL), and additional APIs can be added via the URL handler (see below).

I am planning to use the list to accomodate for users who want to both
contribute to OSM, and work on a custom map. A use case that I will
probably have myself sooner or later:
 - I am putting up posters and marking their location on a private map
using Vespucci with a custom API URL
 - I notice a building/POI/whatever is wrong/missing in OSM
 - I save changes, switch APIs, load the OSM data, make a change to OSM,
save, and switch back to the private poster map before going to hang the
next poster.

If I had to enter the full URL to switch back and forth, I would
probably not do it for a minor change.

> Make sure already stored usernames+passwords of people upgrading
> to this client are kept. This is important.

OK, I will.

> Better to call it JOSM preset as the format is JOSM specific and not part
> of any OSM api specification. How about "custom JOSM presets"
> desciption: "Url to custom map element definitions." ?

Thanks, I think I will use that.

> It's a URL. It's content may change at any time (TTL is seldomly set as an
> HTTP header). How often do you plan to check for updates?

I was planning to update only when the user manually requests to do so,
in order to make sure the user is not surprised that his presets
suddenly changed. An exception is the default preset, which would be
included with the application instead of being downloaded from the URL,
and thus updated when the application is updated.

However, I could also include an automatic update check. On the first
start each day, a HTTP GET with If-modified-since could be sent. Iff a
valid JOSM preset file is received in response, update and notifiy
(toast), otherwise do nothing.

>     To allow users to easily add items, a vespucci: URL handler will be
>     created, allowing something like vespucci:?api=<APIURL>&preset=<XMLURL>
> Who would use such a URL?

This is meant to be an easy way to install new presets or APIs. If an
organization wants users to use Vespucci to edit their custom map, they
can simply tell them "click this market link and install the app, then
click this link to select our custom map". If someone made an awesome
preset, he can make it easy to install for users by simply providing a
link on his web page.

Otherwise, users would need to select the URL, copy it, open vespucci,
go to settings, open the add menu, then adding the URL.

> Wouldn't it be more important to have things like what kind of element
> to add/edit or a location as mandatory elements

Location sounds like a good idea, I'll probably add it as another
optional element.


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