
Thanks everyone for videos.
Here is update of my project. My repositories can be found at
I have developed code using javacv for surf based sample matching. It
matches given sample image with provided image. This code is working good
for similar light condition images. I am working on varying light
conditions. I am also preparing sample datasets for haartraining. I have
created sample test plugin 'videoprocessor' which I will further develop to
process images/videos from josm.


On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Nikhil Upadhye

> Hello Everyone,
> I am Nikhil Upadhye. I will be developing plugin for JOSM for Video based
> speed limit and roadsign detection as a part of Google Summer of Code this
> year. I will be using OpenCV java bindings - JavaCV for video processing
> purpose.
> I have setup wiki page at following link
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2012/Video_Based_Speed_Limit_and_Road_Sign_Detector_plugin_for_JOSM
> I would like to request mappers to share videos which they have recorded
> for video-mapping. Variety of such videos will be required to test
> and develop plugin. So it would be great if someone could share such videos.
> Any suggestions regarding project are welcome.
> Regards
> Nikhil
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