Le vendredi 20 juillet 2012 20:58:08, Sven Geggus a écrit :
> Even Rouault <even.roua...@mines-paris.org> wrote:
> > Testing with larger areas, like whole France or Europe, shows sluggish
> > performance when ways are built from nodes, but that's perhaps expected.
> > I didn't compare with other tools to know if the indexing or request
> > strategy is particularly bad.
> Hm, would it be possible with this to e.g. convert all the forests
> from a complete planetfile to a polygon shapefile while discarding
> all the rest?

Yes, this should be possible by specifying the appropriate -where clause to 
ogr2ogr. However this will have roughly the same performance as completely 
converting the whole planetfile, so it will take some time...

Hum, actually while writing this, I see that the attribute filter is evaluated 
after having reconstructed the geometry. So there's perhaps something I can do 
to speed that up a bit, in order to evaluate the attribute filter before and 
skip the geometry building if the attribute filter rejects the filter.

> Sven

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