On Oct 18, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Alex Barth wrote:

> On Oct 12, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com> wrote:
>> * Create a new map style intended to be the default face of OSM, but leave 
>> the current OSM.orgMapnik style as-is. It works beautifully as an editor's 
>> basemap due to the dense inclusion of all data. Keep it, but add a new one 
>> that's for non-editors to look at.
> I wonder how good the current Mapnik style is for editors.
> Mapping in Latin America I'm for instance noticing more and more how people 
> tag major connecting roads `highway=track` because they're unpaved instead of 
> using an appropriate tag such as `highway=tertiary` and specifying 
> `surface=unpaved`. Tagging for the renderer of course: the problem is that 
> the Mapnik style completely ignores `surface=unpaved` making a significant 
> dirt road really not look how it should on the map. I guess it's clear that 
> there's an issue w/ the style not being maintained right now and it's unclear 
> how to contribute to it, but based on stuff like the unpaved road example I'm 
> starting to think that the Mapnik style does not only need a refresh 
> esthetics wise but it being unmaintained complicates good mapping.

The "unpaved" thing feels like something that would be added to the current 
style, rather than an excuse to tear it down and start fresh. I'm not a big 
believer that moving to Github and CartoCSS *alone* (just to cite two ideas 
from this thread) will be sufficient to make the Mapnik style easier for people 
to approach. That's probably an easy strawman to knock over. =) My feeling is 
that setting up a different style, built from the ground-up to be a better 
presentation of OSM to the general public rather than mappers gets us closer to 
the goal more easily, and does so without hitting the whole "replace the map 
style" issue too hard.


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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