On 4 Dec 2012, at 10:10, Sven Geggus <li...@fuchsschwanzdomain.de> wrote:

> Martin Alegre <tin.ale...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure what I did wrong and therefore any feedback is happily
>> welcomed!
> Did you look at the read me?

Probably worth adding that info to the web page so that others who use the wiki 
install instructions don't get caught out by missing the read me.


> --cut--
> -------------
> ...
> OSMPBF (for PBF support)
>    https://github.com/scrosby/OSM-binary
>    You need to build this first.
> --cut--
> Sven
> -- 
> Trotz der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Linux erfreut sich der Bär,
> und - dank Knut - insbesondere der Eisbär, deutlich größerer
> Beliebtheit als der Pinguin. (Gefunden bei http://telepolis.de/)
> /me is giggls@ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web
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