On 02/10/2013 12:13 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
To Pavel:
Nice work. But I'm still not sure if OWL API is a solution to the question here:
The doc says "Returns a list of changesets that affect given tile."
But what we are after here is a set of regular GeoJSON objects (point,
linestring, polygon).

Well the changesets oriented OWL API returns GeoJSON for changeset objects for a given tile - this is useful for visualizing changes/history.

There is a plan (and early stage implementation) to provide additional API that will return GeoJSON for all current/visible objects for a given tile - this will be useful for rendering the map using Kothic JS for example.

Another idea which you also mentioned is to provide yet another API (or maybe just as a parameter) that would return given tile as it was for given date but that is not planned for the near future, maybe some day. It's going to be quite expensive (in terms of storage and/or CPU).

> What I also ever wondered is, how this Kothic alike API handles
> linestrings and polygons which cross tile borders.

In OWL geometry is clipped to tile boundary using the standard ST_Intersection operation. I have a prototype rendering using Kothic working on my laptop and it's working OK.


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