Hi Sven,I was a looking for a way to generate tiles on the fly on windows, so I 
would not have to use the generate_tiles.py.
Best regards.

> To: dev@openstreetmap.org
> From: li...@fuchsschwanzdomain.de
> Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 13:39:49 +0000
> Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile on windows?
> Vince Berubey <scream...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Has any development been done since to be compatible with Windows?
> Besides the fact that I do not see a particular good reason for running a
> tileserver on windows (mapnik works fine on windows, so style development
> can already take place on windows), I seriously doubt, that this will
> currently work.
> One reason for this is, that mod_tile uses a unix-domain socket to
> communicate with the backend (tirex/renderd). So one would need at least
> convert this to a tcp/socket.
> IMO, there is better work to do for mod_tile. One thing that comes to mind
> is the still unimplemented whitelist feature for tile trotteling, which I
> would have needed recently.
> This said I'm quite certain that Kai would not mind to take patches which
> will actaually make it work on windows. It's free software after all.
> Regards
> Sven
> P.S.: In this live I will probably not understand anymore, why people
> actually _want_ to use windows. Bad enough, that one is still forced to use
> it way to often.
> -- 
> "Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly"
> (Henry Spencer)
> /me is giggls@ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web
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