On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 01:25:47PM -0700, Jeff Meyer wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with osmcoastline installations (Jochen,
> obviously!)?
> I'm getting the following error from runtest.sh after setup:
> $ ./runtest.sh
> Enabled debug option
> [ 0:00] Using SRS 4326 for output. (Change with the --srs/s option.)
> [ 0:00] Writing to output database 'testdata.db'. (Was set with the
> --output-database/-o option.)
> [ 0:00] Removing database output file (if it exists) (because you told me
> to with --overwrite/-f).
> [ 0:00] Will create geometry index. (If you do not want an index use
> --no-index/-i.)
> [12:54] Reading from file 'testdata.osm'.
> [12:54] Reading ways (1st pass through input file)...
> [12:54]   There are 19 nodes where the coastline is not closed.
> [12:54]   There are 36 coastline rings (16 from a single way and 20 from
> multiple ways).
> [12:54] Memory used currently: 205 MB (Peak was: 205 MB).
> [12:54] Reading nodes (2nd pass through input file)...
> ERROR 1: In CreateFeature(): sqlite3_prepare(INSERT INTO 'error_points'
> ("GEOMETRY","osm_id","error") VALUES (?,?,?)):
>   table error_points has no column named GEOMETRY
> Failed to create feature on layer 'error_points'.
> $
> spatialite> .schema error_points
> CREATE TABLE 'error_points' (   OGC_FID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 'osm_id'
> VARCHAR, 'error' VARCHAR);
> spatialite>
> Not sure what's going on here, so thanks in advance for any help.

Probably old spatialite and/or gdal lib. The spatialite format changed at
some point and this leads to some confusion. You need GDAL 1.7 or later.
If thats not the problem tell us something more about your setup (os
version, lib versions etc.)

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-721-388298

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