
I am fairly new to OSM and am figuring out how to use this in my
application. I want to be able to add additional metadata to certain places
such as hotels, airports, car rental agencies etc. I am planning to do this
additional metadata in my own database. However, I read on this
the OSM ID is not a permanent id for a place in the map. That page
recommends to search on tags and then if that search returns more than one
item, then figure out which one is relevant. If I am doing this live in a
web app, I wont be able to do this. So, the question is how do I make
permanent links to OSM map places in my database so I can enrich the
metadata for myself?

You might ask if I can instead add the metadata directly to OSM - I could
do that, but what if my metadata is not really relevant to the general
community? I dont want to end up polluting OSM tags with something that
wont make sense to the rest of the world.

Thank you in advance!
Sachin Dole
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