On 17 November 2014 12:16, Florian Schäfer <flor...@schaeferban.de> wrote:

> What version of osm2pgsql is running on the main osm.org-tileserver?

Tom has already answered (0.81.0), but here's a longer explanation for
anyone who is interested. This is how I went about finding the answer

The server configurations are managed by chef, so the place to start
is with the chef configuration repository at
http://git.openstreetmap.org/chef.git/ , which is mirrored at

Each component is normally managed by a cookbook, so I had a look in
the cookbooks directory for one for osm2pgsql. Since there isn't, I
searched for osm2pgsql and found in the "tile" cookbook the line
'package "osm2pgsql"', which shows that osm2pgsql is being installed
from packages. I doubt that we're using the stock Ubuntu package, so I
had a look in the "apt" cookbook "recipe/default.rb" for any PPA
definitions, and found http://ppa.launchpad.net/osmadmins/ppa/ubuntu/.
In the 'pool/main/o/osm2pgsql/' there's packages there with 0.81.0 in
the name, so it's a reasonable bet these are the ones being used.


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