On 10/03/15 14:27, Harvey Sama wrote:

Ok. I tried to build the project using ant. I get the following error;
C:\Users\Harvey\eclipseLuna\josm\build.xml:220: javac doesn't support
the "createMissingPackageInfoClass" attribute

I tried using java, but I get a list of 100 errors

With eclipse, I had some JDK problem but I solved it. The application
runs from eclipse and I can open the main application. Can I continue
from here?

So first things first, you should really specify what it is you're trying to build, not just say "the project" and hope we can figure it out.

From the error message it looks like the answer is josm, in which case you will probably get much better answers from the josm-dev list than this general list.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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