Hi Phani,

I am doing an applied research on collecting information for 3D mapping.

For example, here is the link to data page of the Parc Bertrand object: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/4272842

I added the OSM tag:///wikipedia=fr:Parc Bertrand/ to this object, which corresponds to this Wikipedia article: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parc_Bertrand . To the Wikipedia article I added the HD aerial image of this park and nearby areas: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Parc-Bertrand.JPG

The aerial image was taken with a GoPro4Session camera, which weighs 74 g, installed on a light quad-copter. It took a couple of minutes to take this aerial image. And it covers quite an area. If one zooms this HD aerial image, it s possible to count the number of building levels of many buildings (and see actual height).

Here are some more Wikipedia articles with my HD aerial images and the corresponding tag on the OpenStreeMap map:

I am working on a new system where HD camera will be carried by a light electric glider following a GPS/GLONASS route. In this case I would not have to travel to each object by a ground transportation, but I could send an ultra-light UAV to take aerial photos and return back. In this case more aerial images will be available for 3D mapping.

With best regards,

On 17/11/15 14:24, Phanindra Kuchipudi wrote:

There seems to be lot of 3D mapping going on by using OSM data. Can anyone help me in understanding how to model a city in 3D using OSM data where height tag is not so common. Is there anyone working on 3D mapping? if so how could you get the height information for the features?


Phanindra Kuchipudi

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