On 30/11/2015 14:29, tb wrote:

i'm running a local database of the OpenStreetMap data, and this database is permanently updated by using osmosis and osm2pgsql (minutely diffs).

Now i'm interested in keeping just a region like a city or a small state updated the same way (on a much smaller system). The region i'm interested in is defined as a polygon in a separate table, and i keep the content of all the mapnik tables (planet_osm_point, ...line, ...polygon, ...roads) to this region by using a trigger - no problem so far. But unfortunately the other tables used by osm2pgsql (planet_osm_nodes, ...ways, ...rels) getting bigger by time.

I use minutely updates together with trim_osc.py from Zverik's "regional":


to add a "filtering diff" section between "downloading diff" and "importing diff" in openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire . I find it works very well at keeping a small area updated; I use it with a bounding box but it should work with a polygon too, I believe.


Andy (SomeoneElse)

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