On 03/01/16 17:47, mmd wrote:
...like in the following example:


Hi mmd,

This type of query, which you suggested, retrieves geolocations of all /the wikipedia/, /wikimedia_commons/, and /wikidata/ OSM tags assigned to either nodes, areas, or ways. The Overpass API works practically in real time, a tag appears in search results after a minute or so.

I implemented it already on the page: http://ausleuchtung.ch/geo_wiki/ with marker's direct click-able link to a Wikimedia category, file, wikidata and wikipedia page, and a changeable radius of a search down from 10 km. In densely populated areas with a lot of Wikipedia articles and Wikimedia categories like say London City it makes sense to reduce radius of a search.

So now it is possible to see on the map geolocations of the WIkipedia articles by coordinates from WIkipedia, and then see geolocations of OSM tags /wikipedia/=*, /wikimedia_commons/=*, and /wikidata=* /for the same area./

/Some Wikimedia categories have got the coordinates too, for example, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Chapelle_Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes_de_Chermont . I am trying to research now if it is possible to retrieve via the Media Wiki API also the geolocations of Wikimedia categories with coordinates in order to display them on the map too together with Wikipedia articles, but with a marker of a different colour.

Thank you and best regards,
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