
Am 31.05.2016 um 19:54 schrieb Sven Geggus:
> Hello,
> you probably know http://sautter.com/map/
> This is Openlayers 2 code which uses the concept of Base Layers and
> Overlays thus this map is kind of an abusing this concept.
> I was wondering if there is some sample code for leaflet or Openlayers 3
> which will do something like this.

There are examples for OL3  [1] and for Leaflet [2] and [3].

Hope this helps.


[1] http://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/layer-swipe.html

[2] http://spatialhast.github.io/leaflet.swipe.html
[3] https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/example/v1.0.0/swipe-layers/

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