yes you either have to include the oAuth token or the username:password

On 15 June 2016 at 10:37, toni hernández <> wrote:
> Net yet..hopefully soon.
> Sorry to be so persistent...but..
> I am still getting a 401 Unauthorized error when sending the changeset
> create request.
> Do I need to include the auth token in the header AJAX call?
> This is how I try to create a new changeset:
> var xml_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.6"
> generator="MyOpenstreetmapApp"><node changeset="0" lat="41.983910"
> lon="2.816094"><tag k="shop" v="supermarket"/></node></osm>';
> ajaxurl=
> "";;
> $.ajax({
>     url: ajaxurl,
>     data: xml_new_changeset,
>     type: 'PUT',
>     contentType: "text/xml",
>     dataType: "text",
>     success : function (resp){console.debug(resp)},
>     error : function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
>         console.log(xhr.status);
>         console.log(thrownError);
>     }
> });
> Toni Hernández Vallès
> Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció
> -
> Universitat de Girona
> -
> Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
> 17071 Girona
> Tel +34 972 418 039 (7026 intern)
> Twitter
> On 15/06/2016 11:20, Christian Ledermann wrote:
> If you can read python have a look at:
> On 15 June 2016 at 09:57, Paul Norman <> wrote:
> On 6/14/2016 8:41 AM, toni hernández wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to display OSM data into my web map as well as other custom
> layers.
> One of the goals of my web application is to upload data from my application
> to the osm database.  I have been reading this
> but still I do not
> understand how a PUT request functions. I have so much to learn....
> After authentificating with osmauth.js I try this code without any success.
> I get a 401 error.
> var xml_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osm version="0.6"
> generator="MyOpenstreetmapApp"><node changeset="0" lat="41.983910"
> lon="2.816094"><tag k="shop" v="supermarket"/></node></osm>';
> ajaxurl= "";;
> I do not recommend the node/create API endpoint. Instead, use the diff
> upload API call documented at
> You will have to use this endpoint anyways for modifying existing data.
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Best Regards,

Christian Ledermann

Newark-on-Trent - UK
Mobile : +44 7474997517


If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have left,
you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But If
you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose both.

1) Don’t drive species to extinction

2) Don’t destroy a habitat that species rely on.

3) Don’t change the climate in ways that will result in the above.


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