On 02/02/17 09:53, Mariusz Rogowski wrote:

By obvious steps I mean:
1. Make current maintainers stop working on existing issues (if they don't have 
time). The biggest issue right now is the project is not attractive to new 
developers. Fix that first. What I mean in details e.g. is:
 - Close pending (for years) pull requests.
 - Prepare nice project readme which mentions contributors are needed and 
 - Prepare documentation of existing code base. Things like architecture, 
languages used, test approach etc.
 - Prepare some contribution guidelines.
 - Prepare some big picture. Project is quite old, I guess technologies and 
architecture chosen might be quite obsolete. Maybe someone should review the 
current approach and decide on some bigger targets than fixing single small 
issues. E.g. sometimes I feel that that putting address data to some search 
engine could get rid of lots of logic in Nominatim code.

Anyway, make the project as attractive as possible for new people. There are 
people who want to contribute to open source projects. You could get 
contributors from Google Summer of Code, Hacktoberfest, Hackathons and Code 
Retreats. But you need to make project look like it's worth ones time.

Firstly nobody can "make current maintainers" do anything - that's not how open source software works. People work on the things they're interested in and maintainers do their best to make some sense of the results and construct a coherent result.

More constructively, if you think those things are important then why not work on some of them?

It seems like some of them at least are things that would actually be a good way for somebody who wanted to get involved could get started - as you explore the code and learn about it you can document what you find and submit that as a pull request to add new documentation where things are lacking?

Likewise anybody could write a nice README encouraging people to get involved and I'm sure the maintainers would be happy to merge it.

Or you could draft some contribution guidelines - those might need to go round a few cycles of review to fit with the maintainers preferences but much of the work of writing them could be done by somebody else and offering something (however minimal) is a constructive way of suggesting that some guidelines be added that will likely work better than complaining that they are missing.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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