On 3/18/2017 2:23 AM, Subhani Munasinghe wrote:
Hi everyone,

Can someone please tell me how to get contacted with a mentor of the project idea "Make the website use the API". I would like to know more about that project idea, because I would love to work with Java since I am skilled with it.

I'm the person who has suggested it. The project would mainly be Javascript and Ruby, not Java.

If you're still interested I would recommend you:

1. Register for osm.org and map a bit. The editors use the API, so you need to know how to use them. 2. Start JOSM from the command line to have a console open, and edit some more. This will show the API calls used 3. Read the parts on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.6 about element GET calls
4. Read http://www.asklater.com/matt/blog/2015/11/18/the-road-to-api-07/
5. Use the various methods to get object information. This includes the pages like https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/<N> but also the history view in JOSM (View->History) and http://osmlab.github.io/osm-deep-history/. The pages on openstreetmap.org don't use the API but the JOSM tool and osm deep history do. The goal of this project is to make osm website pages use the API.

Hopefully that's a good start for you or anyone else interested in it.

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