I'm working on a script to do some pre-rendering of a Mapnik-based tile layer. Conventional meta-tile sizes would be 4x4 or 8x8, but these are selected to balance latency and throughput or efficiency. I'm using mapproxy, which stores the tiles as individual files on-disk, not mod_tile, which stores metatiles. This means that I can easily change meta-tile size, and I don't even have to worry about differing latency from slicing PNGs.

Latency does not matter with a pre-render task, so I've been considering using extra-large metatiles. Has anyone tried this before?

Based on experience from metatiles 1-8 tiles across, as size increases I expect query time and time to render to increase, but time per tile to decrease. I don't know at what point this stops being true.

I believe Mapnik has problems with very large images, but I'm not sure when that happens. I think at least 16k px wide is doable.

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