I wrote a blog post on how to get started with the API projects: http://paulnorman.ca/blog/2018/02/make-the-website-use-the-api-gsoc-project/

I recommend steps 2, 4, and 5 for anyone applying for a project which interacts with the API.

On 2/13/2018 9:08 AM, IMT2016050 Biswesh Mohapatra wrote:
Hello, My name is  Biswesh. I am a second year Computer Science student and am very keen on contributing to OSM for GSOC 2018. I have been looking into the idea list for GSOC 2018 and found out the project - “ Make the website use the API “ proposed by Paul Norman <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Pnorman> to be very interesting as the concept can be very useful for OSM and also because it seems to be a bit challenging. I have some prior knowledge of Javascript, Ruby on Rails and also have some basic knowledge of REST api.

Although I don’t have much knowledge about implementing the idea, I searched a bit about it and found out some useful articles which showed some advantages of changing the website to rely on API calls instead of directly accessing the database. I have given the links here:



I have also searched a bit about implementing the project and found out that the following can be useful:

Active rest client - https://github.com/whichdigital/active-rest-client

Active resource - https://github.com/rails/activeresource

I would like to be guided on this project idea so that I can prepare myself better for it. Also if I could be provided some better sources through which I can have a better understanding of the problem then I would be grateful.

On a side note - I would also like to ask if we can explore about migrating the entire rest based workflow to some of the emerging technologies like graphQL.

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Biswesh Mohapatra

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