Daniel Koć <dan...@xn--ko-wla.pl> wrote:

> Changes
> - Added rendering “surface” tag on roads with a pattern

This is not supposed to be a huge change, right?

Are you unaware of the fact that there are forks of OpenStreetMap Carto like
German style which are keept in sync by merging them with every upstream

I'm doing this for German style for more than 2 years now without that much
of a hassle up till this release.

This will now kill my ability to keep on doing this at least as roads.mss is

The commit which causes the hassle is most likely this one:

Author: Lukas Sommer <sommer...@users.noreply.github.com>
Date:   Fri May 11 10:57:04 2018 +0000

    Render “surface” tag on roads with a pattern (#2640)
    * code re-ordering - no rendering change
    * Render unpaved road surface with a pattern

WTF. Did you have a good reason which was worth killing your forks ability to
stay in sync with upstream?



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