Dear all,

Today, v4.19.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Adding rendering for boundary=protected_area (#3509)
- Nature reserve boundaries revision (#3574)
- Adding support of amenity=vending_machine (#3601)
- Adding more barrier icons (#3602)
- Changing allotments color and adding outline (#3625)
- Reducing priority of tourism=attraction and rendering from z17 (#3603)
- Changing tourism outline color (#3582)
- Making country borders thicker at z8 and z9 (#3563)
- Rendering parking from z14 (#3612)
- Starting to render most patterns at z13 instead of z14 (#3610)
- Changing zoom level and text size for place=hamlet (#3626)
- Rendering airport gate refs black instead of purple (#3620)
- Updating zoom levels by height for masts, towers and telescopes (#3536)
- Hiding underground parking (#3600)
- Rendering ref of minor roads more than once (#3627)
- Adjusting width of highway=construction (#3580)
- Selecting only motorway_link to tertiary_link as link (#3567)
- Reducing tertiary-link width (#3570)
- Changing certain amenity icons to grey (#3586)
- Converting springs to use ST_PointOnSurface and reformatting SQL (#3233)
- Adding "religious-icon" as color variable for #000000 (#3642)
- Adding "barrier-icon" color variable in #3f3f3f for barriers (#3643)
- Fixing inconsistency of leisure=ice_rink (#3598)
- Fixing label opacity for tourism features (#3616)
- Reverting lowzoom nobuilding test change (#3622)
- Removing trailing whitespace (#3637)

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]

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