On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 02:24:09PM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> during a test with piuparts I noticed your package left unowned files on
> the system after purge, which is a violation of policy 6.8 (or 10.8):
> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html#s-removedetails

Thank you for the report.  I sent a patch to the upstream dev list,
CCing you and this bug, that fixes the log file purge issue.  It will
take a little while for it to get reviewed.

> Wouldn't /usr/share/openvswitch/pki better belong to
> /var/lib/openvswitch/pki ?

It does seem that /var/lib would be a better place.  I will have to
ask around to find out whether the move will break other software that
expects to find it in /usr/share.

I don't think that it is a good idea to actually delete these files on
purge, however.  They are analogous to a database.  Their contents may
be valuable to the system administrator even without the package
installed (and they cannot be regenerated).



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