I've built and booted up a kernel built from a recent-ish kernel.git.
Uname -r reports: 3.14.0-rc3+

Then I try to set up openvswitch 1.10.2 thus:
  ./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

but now actions.o does not compile: complains  that
${kernel_src}/include/linux/netdevice.h:3144:5: error: 'struct
sk_buff' has no member named 'mac'

Looks like configure decided to define MAC_RAW, and I'm inheriting unwanted
#defines from ${openvswitch-1.2-src}/datapath/linux/compat/include/skbuff.h

Is this a known gotcha? Is there a way around it?

fwiw, openvswitch-2.1 will not even get past configure - errors
out telling me that kernels newer than 3.11.x are not supported,
so perhaps 1.10.2 doesn't support this either, but is missing
the explicit `configure' error?
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