Hello Ben, Jean,
  Thank you for your reply.

  As for my example of configuration:

port 1: trunks 100, 110, 120    (connected to tenant networks)
port 2: trunks 100, 110, 120    (connected to tenant networks)
port 3: trunks 200, 210, 220    (connected to tenant networks)
port 4: trunks 200, 210, 220    (connected to tenant networks)
port 5: trunks 300, 310, 320    (connected to tenant networks)
port 6: trunks 300, 310, 320    (connected to tenant networks)
port 7: trunk                   (connected to provider networks)
port 8: trunk                   (connected to provider networks)

  For implementing it if I use Egress Tables,
  I understand that I should use following table.
  Is my understanding correct?

First egress == 200

table 200:

table 201:

table 202:

table 203:

 On Fri, 6 Mar 2015 11:04:03 -0800,
 j...@hpl.hp.com wrote
 in E-mail "Re: Hybrid VLAN capability":

> On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 10:27:22AM -0800, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > 
> > Another possibility is to use the "conjunctive match" feature in
> > (upcoming) OVS 2.4.  With this feature, you can effectively construct
> > flows that say,
> > 
> >    (in_port in {set_A}) and (vlan_id in {set_B}),actions=...
> > 
> > by adding n_A + n_B + 1 flows to the flow table, where n_A is the
> > number of elements in {set_A} and n_B is the number in {set_B}.  But I
> > doubt that that feature maps well to hardware.
>       I believe this will only help for ingress filtering. I think
> ingress filtering is easy, you can just do it with two tables :
> table 0:
> in_port=1,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=2,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=3,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=4,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=7,actions=goto_table:2
> table 1:
> in_port=*,vlan_id=100,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=*,vlan_id=110,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=*,vlan_id=120,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=*,drop
> table 2:
> in_port=1,actions=output:2,output:7,output:8
> in_port=2,actions=output:1,output:7,output:8
> in_port=3,actions=output:4,output:7,output:8
> in_port=4,actions=output:3,output:7,output:8
> in_port=7,actions=output:8
>       It is clear that "conjunctive match" would help to collapse
> the first two tables into one, but there may be other way to do that,
> such as using bitmasks on the VLAN or just wildcarding input port.
>       In term of what would be more efficient in the datapath,
> I guess that would depend on the traffic pattern and how forwarding
> rules look like. What is clear to me is that having all collapsed into
> one megaflow lookup would beat having an additional specialised VLAN
> lookup in the port itself.
>       Where "conjunctive match" does not help is with egress
> filtering. Obviously, actset_output would help, but it's tricky to use
> in ingress tables and is non-transparent to the forwarding rules.
>       With Egress Tables :
> table 0:
> in_port=1,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=2,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=3,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=4,actions=goto_table:1
> in_port=7,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=8,actions=goto_table:2
> table 1:
> in_port=*,vlan_id=100,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=*,vlan_id=110,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=*,vlan_id=120,actions=goto_table:2
> in_port=*,drop
> table 2:
> in_port=1,actions=output:2,output:7,output:8
> in_port=2,actions=output:1,output:7,output:8
> in_port=3,actions=output:4,output:7,output:8
> in_port=4,actions=output:3,output:7,output:8
> in_port=7,actions=output:8
> First egress == 200
> table 200:
> actset_output=1,actions=goto_table:201
> actset_output=2,actions=goto_table:201
> actset_output=3,actions=goto_table:201
> actset_output=4,actions=goto_table:201
> actset_output=7,actions=
> actset_output=8,actions=
> table 201:
> actset_output=*,vlan_id=100,actions=
> actset_output=*,vlan_id=110,actions=
> actset_output=*,vlan_id=120,actions=
> actset_output=*,actions=clear_actions
>       How do that look like ? Clean enough ?
>       Again, "conjunctive match" would allow you to collapse table
> 200 and 201. But that's only an optimisation ;-)
>       But to me the main issue is avoiding an extra lookup in the
> output port. I personally believe that you won't have any trouble
> folding egress tables into a single megaflow lookup without needing
> recirculation in most cases. Recirculation is probably needed only
> when using OFPP_ALL, group of type all or multiple output actions.
>       Regards,
>       Jean
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