On Mon, Mar 09, 2015 at 03:47:03PM +0000, Gray, Mark D wrote:
> > > +      </p>
> > > +      <column name="datapath_types">
> > > +        <p>
> > > +          This column reports the different dpifs registered with the 
> > > system.
> > > +        </p>
> > > +      </column>
> > > +      <column name="port_types">
> > > +        <p>
> > > +          This column reports the different netdevs registered with the
> > system.
> > 
> > The available port types can vary based on the datapath, so I'm not sure 
> > that
> > it makes sense to publish them without that context.
> I think ideally we would like to get to that stage (i.e. be able to tell
> that a datapath supports a particular port type). I can't think of a way 
> off-hand
> to do that by probing. I think it would have to be done by a list that could
> be modified by updating the code and recompiling. 

I'm pretty reluctant to put in something that we know would have to be
refined, given that refining it would either have to add duplicate
information to the schema (e.g. some additional mapping from datapath
type to port types) or be backward incompatible (e.g. deleting the
list of port types).  What if we just started out with the list of
datapath types?
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