On 07/16/2015 03:56 AM, Alex Wang wrote:
> +static void
> +usage(void)
> +{
> +    printf("\
> +%s: ovs-vswitchd management utility\n\
> +\n\
> +for debugging and testing only, never use it in production\n\
> +\n\
> +usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]\n\
> +\n\
> +SouthBound DB commands:\n\
> +  show                        print overview of database contents\n\
> +\n\
> +Chassis commands:\n\
> +  add-chassis CHASSIS         create a new chassis named CHASSIS\n\
> +  del-chassis CHASSIS         delete CHASSIS and all of its encaps,\n\
> +                              and gateway_ports\n\
> +\n\
> +Binding commands:\n\
> +  bind-lport LPORT CHASSIS    bind logical port LPORT to CHASSIS\n\
> +  unbind-lport LPORT          delete the binding of logical port LPORT\n\

In ovn-nbctl, we have a convention of starting every command name with
the resource you're operating on, followed by the action you're taking.
 For example:

Logical switch commands:
  lswitch-add [LSWITCH]     create a logical switch named LSWITCH
  lswitch-del LSWITCH       delete LSWITCH and all its ports
  lswitch-list              print the names of all logical switches
  lswitch-set-external-id LSWITCH KEY [VALUE]
                            set or delete an external-id on LSWITCH
  lswitch-get-external-id LSWITCH [KEY]
                            list one or all external-ids on LSWITCH

In this patch, you've taken a different approach.  I remember debating
whether we should change ovn-nbctl (with Justin I believe), with the
primary argument for changing it being to more closely match the style
of ovs-vsctl.  However, I still like the convention in ovn-nbctl better.

So, I'd propose we adopt the same convention in ovn-sbctl that ovn-nbctl
uses.  The specific changes would be:

  add-chassis  -> chassis-add
  del-chassis  -> chassis-del
  bind-lport   -> lport-bind
  unbind-lport -> lport-unbind

Otherwise, the patch looks good to me.

Russell Bryant
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