I'm still a learner of openvswitch and mininet. Pls help clarify my doubts.
I am running a mininet instance with the following command:mininet@mininet-vm: 
sudo mn --topo linear,3 --switch ovsk,datapath=user --controller remote

When i run   mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show    command, i get the 
following output:0b8ed0aa-67ac-4405-af13-70249a7e8a96    Bridge "s1"        
Controller "tcp:"            is_connected: true        Controller 
"ptcp:6634"        fail_mode: secure        Port "s1-eth2"            Interface 
"s1-eth2"        Port "s1-eth1"            Interface "s1-eth1"        Port "s1" 
           Interface "s1"                type: internal    Bridge "s3"    
.......There is no IP information shown for the interfaces "s1-eth1", "s1-eth2" 
Even the dump-flows command does not show any IP 
Information:mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows 
s1OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2): cookie=0x0, duration=1627.369s, table=0, 
n_packets=28, n_bytes=2668, priority=1           
,in_port=2,dl_dst=fe:7a:37:ab:ce:e5 actions=output:1 cookie=0x0, 
duration=1627.368s, table=0, n_packets=27, n_bytes=2608, priority=1           
,in_port=1,dl_dst=32:a3:fe:e0:d9:c4 actions=output:2 cookie=0x0, 
duration=2513.265s, table=0, n_packets=3, n_bytes=218, priority=0 a           
However the the ping connectivity was successful with the simple_switch_13  
apps from ryu executed as follows:       mininet@mininet-vm:~/ryu/ryu/app$ 
ryu-manager --verbose simple_switch_13.pyHow and When are IPs assigned to the 
switch interfaces?. ORDoes the whole thing work without IP addresses on the 
interfaces?. If so, how can i assign IP addresses to the interfaces. I need to 
use the IP addresses of the interfaces in my controller application.
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