If you have any thoughts, post 'em! :)

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: <dblev...@visi.com>
> From: David Blevins <david.blev...@visi.com>
> Date: July 19, 2010 9:44:53 PM PDT
> To: d...@geronimo.apache.org
> Subject: JCDI and Bean Validation TCKs
> Reply-To: d...@geronimo.apache.org
> Currently we have these setup in the private svn where the Java EE TCK 
> porting modules live.  The JCDI and Bean Validation TCKs are public Apache 
> licensed, so we could move the porting modules for those two TCKs into our 
> public svn.
> The part of my brain that finds esthetic pleasure in filling cabinets likes 
> everything all organized in the one VM, but the part of me that likes to be 
> more public than private thinks it's unnecessarily restrictive to make people 
> sign the Sun/Apache NDA to get access to things not under that restriction.  
> Specifically, everyone in the related communities (OpenWebBeans, OpenEJB) 
> could easily access the public TCKs.  Mark and Gurkan fall into that category 
> now.  Both are in the process of getting NDAs filled, but we could definitely 
> speed that up by opening the porting code to the public.
> We might even be able to work the JCDI and Bean Validation into our larger 
> test suite right in the main build as they only take a moments to run.
> Thoughts?
> -David

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