On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Gurkan Erdogdu <gurkanerdo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>Good catch Eric!
> Not mean that current logic is wrong.
> Bean API types are  local interfaces of the EJB bean  . We check all injection
> fields at deployment time for validation. If there is no validation error, 
> using
> of EJB local interfaces are correct.
> What is the problem that you think about?

My concern is that at runtime, each time we perform injection various
threads are poking around at BaseEjbBean.iface when really all they
need to is use the iface on the stack to create their
proxies/instances.  This is because there is not actually one iface
per BaseEjbBean (EJB class), just one per injection point.

Eric Covener

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