>>>>Finally, does this work whether or not the EJB itself was contextual?
> This is written to work with contextual EJB beans. If the EJB bean is not 
> contextual, then it does not support decorators but supports JSR299 style
> interceptors. We could create a new EJB interceptor/utility for returning 
> interceptors for non-contextual ejbs.


Revisiting this old thread -- are you sure the non-contextual case
should not be deocratable? I think this became part of my conventional
wisdom but I can't find any basis for it.

It seems decoration sould be easy  to add to our interceptor for
non-contextual -- in fact I think all the contextual vs non-contextual
distinction can go away if we do a little more work in @PostConstruct.

(hope to look at it this week)

Eric Covener

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