574 seems like the correct number for standalone, but your results do not
appear to match mine.  I get back:

Failed tests:

Tests run: 574, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

There are a couple steps I mentioned back in August that I needed to do,
that I still haven't updated the README with.  I'll paste a link below to
that older dev mailing list e-mail.



On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Lin Sun <linsun....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I am new to the list and I did some searches on the titled topic and
> was able to find the readme/TCK-RUNNING.txt.   I was able to follow
> the instruction.
> I discovered that in order to run the tck standalone, I still need to
> setup tomcat.home and have the tomcat server running.  Also, I have to
> start tomcat server with -ea to enable assertions as some tests seems
> to run as servlet and need the assertions to be enabled.
> My biggest prob right now is most of the tck in standalone failed for me.
> Tests run: 574, Failures: 524, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
> Does the total # of tests look right?  The good thing is test did run
> instead of skipped but I am probably still missing something obvious
> here.   I remember seeing a post that says that openwebbeans has
> passed all jsr299 tcks.
> Thanks.
> Lin

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