Kind of a random thought.  Not sure if it's even possible, but....

There's nothing particularly fancy about @New beans.  Perhaps we don't need to 
be eagerly creating these things.  Resolving references involves a lot of list 
iteration for us and the eager creation of @New bean definitions bloats our 
lists by more or less double.  Meanwhile I'm not sure how popular they really 

Couldn't we create these NewManagedBean defs on demand when someone actually 
asks for an @New bean reference?  So we don't have to always iterate over them 
and add them to the list of potentially matching beans only to then filter them 
out and return the non-@New bean.

I know that with some recent changes in EJB-type things the EJB implementation 
itself is typically creating @New bean definitions.  Seems a little factory 
method somewhere in the EJB plugin API could do the trick.  Something like:

   NewBean<T> getNewBean(BaseEjbBean<T> bean);
   NewBean<T> getNewBean(Bean<T> bean);

We could cache them after first call, but I can't imagine that creating a 
NewBean copy of a bean is very expensive.

Don't have time to work on it :)  But I thought I'd throw it out there for 
feedback in case someone thinks it's a good idea and wants to take a swing at 


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