Hmm, interesting edge case. For me it should be ignored until you make it
scanned using @Dependent or so. But fear it is quite undefined or

Le 21 juil. 2017 21:10, "John D. Ament" <> a écrit :

> I do something really lazy, I have an extension that has this method on it:
> public void findEntities(@Observes @WithAnnotations(Entity.class)
> ProcessAnnotatedType<?> pat)
> which just looks for entity classes.  They're not going to be CDI beans,
> but they are annotated types.  Per the spec,
> ProcessAnnotatedType.html
> ,
> the event should get fired, even if there are no bean defining annotations.
> Switching beans.xml to use bean-discovery-mode=all fixes it, but I'd prefer
> to not discover these as beans.
> Using a <beans bean-discovery-mode="all" version="2.0"><trim/></beans> does
> fix it. But either way, my understanding is that PAT is always fired, for
> all classes found within a bean archive.
> John

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