Hello, My name is Daniel Krook. I'm a Senior Software Engineer in the Cloud organization at IBM. My role over the past few years has been to help end users get the most out of open source technology like OpenStack, Cloud Foundry, Docker, and now OpenWhisk.
My team often works with customers on PoCs before IBM has a publicly available product or service based on a given open source project. Customers get consulting and education from us, and in return we get real-world requirements to build solutions around rather than coming to market with something nobody will use. In the context of this project that means I'm very interested in how users can get up and running with OpenWhisk as quickly and easily as possible. And that's also why I'm invested in making sure that the content on openwhisk.org helps three key target audiences that I talk to at meetups and conferences: End users consuming OpenWhisk as developers, contributors who want to build the underlying open source platform, and service providers who want to integrate their packages with OpenWhisk. I'm looking forward to working with you all and building a strong ecosystem around Apache OpenWhisk. Daniel Krook http://krook.info/