Hi Markus,

that’s great! Love the approach.

To answer your question: a while back I did some digging if there are ASF 
projects that run such tests (performance, scalability, etc) in the open, but 
could not find anything. Basically, I was looking for an ASF-like way to 
procure infrastructure for a limited time for running distributed tests.

What i have seen is:
* running the tests locally – which gives a hint on some 
degradations/improvements, but does not take into account effects of 
distributed setups
* companies (like my employer Adobe) running the tests on internal setups and 
then publishing the results (the test scripts themselves might still be open). 
That works in a way, but is not ideal. It works because someone is footing the 
bill for the necessary infrastructure. But it is not ideal because usually a 
only a limited number of people get to investigate the setups. The latter could 
be fixed, but is cumbersome organisationally.

Maybe our mentors can chime in. Has this been discussed in the ASF board or so? 
AFAIK Microsoft sponsors the ASF with some Azure credentials. Could these also 
be used/extended for such purposes?
@Isabelle: how does Mahout do this? Or any other Hadoop-area project you are 
aware of?


From: Markus Thömmes <markusthoem...@me.com<mailto:markusthoem...@me.com>>
Reply-To: "dev@openwhisk.apache.org<mailto:dev@openwhisk.apache.org>" 
Date: Tuesday 25 April 2017 15:55
To: "dev@openwhisk.apache.org<mailto:dev@openwhisk.apache.org>" 
Subject: Performance tests for OpenWhisk

Hi all,

Since many have asked I today started an effort to bring a comprehensive 
performance test suite for OpenWhisk out in the open.

Without much talking, here's the repository: 

My initial idea was to have the tests run on Travis to get comparable numbers. 
Turns out, the Travis machines are way to weak (especially in terms of CPU 
cores) to host a whole OpenWhisk system and be able to perform extraordinary 

The tests I did are based on the npm loadtest module, which is pretty much 
Apache Benchmark, with a few more features and nicer output. Currently there is 
only one test which surfaces end-to-end user latency of blocking invocations 
and maximum throughput. README.md has some more information on how exactly the 
tests are set up.

I do realize that those tests are the simplest you can get, but that's where 
I'd like to start. We can get more sophisticated tests any time.

To proceed from here, I'd like to have those tests run on beefier machines, to 
flesh out the real performance. Any ideas on how to do this in an open-source 
fashion, e.g. "out in the wild"?


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