> From: "Andreas Nauerz"
> Subject: Social media channel usage
> Hi all,
> I have finally found time to document what we discussed prior
> regarding using our "social media" channels:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENWHISK/Social+Media
> I will add the corresponding information on openwhisk.org soon, too.


Thank you for posting the policy, I'm looking forward to more
community-submitted Medium blog posts, SlideShare presentations, and
YouTube videos.


There is an open issue for the http://openwhisk.incubator.apache.org/ web
site to add form processors to automate social media submissions to the
private list.

If anyone is interested in making their first contribution to OpenWhisk,
the web site is a great place to start.

In this case, it might also be a good way to learn about handling HTTP
requests with OpenWhisk actions and calling an email service like SendGrid.

The open issues and some ideas on implementation are here. Beyond social
media, this would be a great way to implement and automate event
submissions as well.


Daniel Krook

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