I prefer not to introduce the ref counting - it is cryptic and if it is known 
to need replacement, these are signs that it should not go in.

What is the exact affect treating shutdown the same as in couchdb store for 
now? (Meaning, shutdown is not really handled explicitly)
Other than possibly complicating test scenarios, it hasn’t been clear that this 
is a problem (other than good citizenship dictating that you should gracefully 
close resources)

I’m also still wondering if “sharing the client” is required - what are the 
affects of having multiple clients that connect to the same instance? These 
clients will only operate on different collections within that instance right? 
These would connect to the same endpoint, sure, but is that a problem other 
than inflating the connection pool slightly? It might make things more 
consistent with other artifact stores, with the sacrifice of some azure purity 
that not have real impact. 

If there is significant problem with not revising the SPI to better handle 
shutdown (or other aspects), an alternate approach would be to address the SPI 

I’m interested to know what others think.


> On Jun 21, 2018, at 3:50 AM, Chetan Mehrotra <chetan.mehro...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> ArtifactStore SPI exposes a shutdown method which is responsible for
> closing any resource owned by store implementation.
> Ccurrently for CouchDbRestStore it only shuts down ActorMaterializer which
> is created one per instance. It does not shutdown Http pool which is shared
> across 3 store instance. This is documented in PoolingRestClient.
> Now with CosmosDBArtifactStore we need to share a `DocumentClient` instance
> which owns the underlying Netty connection pool. As all the store instance
> talk to same db it makes sense to share the instance.
> However this sharing poses problem with shutdown. To  handle that CosmosDB
> PR introduces a `CountedReference` [1] which keeps an open/close count and
> only closes when all references are closed.
> Wanted to check with team if that would be fine approach to take?
> Currently its bit tricky to manage components lifecycle and often we need
> to rely on shutdown hooks to close the resources properly. May be we
> revisit SPI/component lifecycle handling later and then review this
> shutdown method handling
> Chetan Mehrotra
> [1] 
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fapache%2Fincubator-openwhisk%2Fpull%2F3562%2Ffiles%23diff-&data=02%7C01%7Ctnorris%40adobe.com%7Cfbbbb0ade8ac4925e92b08d5d764dd9c%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636651750626753531&sdata=BJVvsBCyWCnzspYnYDyXrBfiLNk97vBJyJuDQzslcag%3D&reserved=0
> 9d57de71410575fd70240ac974be407d

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