Once you've experienced FaaS, you don't wanna go back. This has been my 
experience with AI and FaaS.

In particular, running AI inferences in FaaS proved to be a great match:

- Each function processes one request at a time. A model usually takes 1 data 
input and produces 1 data output.

- Enough code to fit into a function. An AI action loads a model, runs the 
inference, and returns the result.

- In addition, FaaS provides a model to scale to 0 and scale to millions with 
the traffic.

With OpenWhisk I think we're very close to make AI Actions a first-class 
citizen for developers, and I've created a wiki to explore what it would take 
to get there [1].  Coincidently James Thomas also published today his 
experience with Tensorflow and OpenWhisk [2]

I'm interested in your thoughts, and see if there's enough interest in our 
community to make this a reality.

Feel free to contribute to the wiki with edits, comments, anything you'd wanna 

[1] - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENWHISK/AI+Actions

[2] - 



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