Hi Dragos,

thanks for your questions, good discussion :)

Am Di., 14. Aug. 2018 um 23:42 Uhr schrieb Dragos Dascalita Haut

> Markus, I appreciate the enhancements you mentioned in the wiki, and I'm
> very much inline with the ideas you brought in there.
> "...having the ContainerManager be a cluster singleton..."
> I was just in process to reply with the same idea :)
> In addition, I was thinking we can leverage Akka Distributed Data [1] to
> keep all ContainerRouter actors eventually consistent. When creating a new
> container, the ContainerManager can write with a consistency "WriteAll"; it
> would be a little slower but it would improve consistency.

I think we need to quantify "a little slower". Note that "WriteAll" becomes
slower and slower the more actors you add to the cluster. Scalability is at
question then.

Of course scalability is also at question if we make the ContainerManager a
singleton. The ContainerManager has a 1:1 relationship to the
Kubernetes/Mesos scheduler. Do we know how those are distributed? I think
the Kubernetes scheduler is a singleton, but I'll need to doublecheck on

I can see the possibility to move the ContainerManager into each Router and
have them communicate with each other to shard in the same way I'm
proposing. As Dave is hitting on the very same points, I get the feeling we
should/could breakout that specific discussion if we can agree on some
basic premises of the design (see my answers on the thread with Dave). WDYT?

> The "edge-case" isn't clear to me b/c I'm coming from the assumption that
> it doesn't matter which ContainerRouter handles the next request, given
> that all actors have the same data. Maybe you can help me understand better
> the edge-case ?

ContainerRouters do not have the same state specifically. The
live-concurrency on a container is potentially very fast changing data.
Sharing that across a potentially unbounded number of routers is not viable
performance wise.

Hence the premise is to manage that state locally and essentially shard the
list of available containers between all routers, so each of them can keep
its respective state local.

> Re Knative approach, can you expand why the execution layer/data plane
> would be replaced entirely by Knative serving ? I think knative serving
> handles very well some cases like API requests, but it's not designed to
> guarantee concurrency restrictions like "1 request at a time per container"
> - something that AI Actions need.

You are right... today! I'm not saying Knative is necessarily a superior
backend for OpenWhisk as it stands today. All I'm saying is that from an
architecture point-of-view, Knative serving replaces all of the concerns
that the execution layer has.

> Thanks,
> dragos
> [1] - https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5/distributed-data.html
> ________________________________
> From: David P Grove <gro...@us.ibm.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 2:15:13 PM
> To: dev@openwhisk.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Proposal on a future architecture of OpenWhisk
> "Markus Thömmes" <markusthoem...@apache.org> wrote on 08/14/2018 10:06:49
> AM:
> >
> > I just published a revision on the initial proposal I made. I still owe a
> > lot of sequence diagrams for the container distribution, sorry for taking
> > so long on that, I'm working on it.
> >
> > I did include a clear seperation of concerns into the proposal, where
> > user-facing abstractions and the execution (loadbalacing, scaling) of
> > functions are loosely coupled. That enables us to exchange the execution
> > system while not changing anything in the Controllers at all (to an
> > extent). The interface to talk to the execution layer is HTTP.
> >
> Nice writeup!
> For me, the part of the design I'm wondering about is the separation of the
> ContainerManager and the ContainerRouter and having the ContainerManager by
> a cluster singleton. With Kubernetes blinders on, it seems more natural to
> me to fuse the ContainerManager into each of the ContainerRouter instances
> (since there is very little to the ContainerManager except (a) talking to
> Kubernetes and (b) keeping track of which Containers it has handed out to
> which ContainerRouters -- a task which is eliminated if we fuse them).
> The main challenge is dealing with your "edge case" where the optimal
> number of containers to create to execute a function is less than the
> number of ContainerRouters.  I suspect this is actually an important case
> to handle well for large-scale deployments of OpenWhisk.  Having 20ish
> ContainerRouters on a large cluster seems plausible, and then we'd expect a
> long tail of functions where the optimal number of container instances is
> less than 20.
> I wonder if we can partially mitigate this problem by doing some amount of
> smart routing in the Controller.  For example, the first level of routing
> could be based on the kind of the action (nodejs:6, python, etc).  That
> could then vector to per-runtime ContainerRouters which dynamically
> auto-scale based on load.  Since there doesn't have to be a fixed division
> of actual execution resources to each ContainerRouter this could work.  It
> also lets easily stemcells for multiple runtimes without worrying about
> wasting too many resources.
> How do you want to deal with design alternatives?  Should I be adding to
> the wiki page?  Doing something else?
> --dave

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