“... FWIW I should change that to no longer say "Kafka" but "buffer" or
+1. One idea could be to use Akka Streams and let the OW operator make a
decision on using Kafka with Akka Streams, or not [1]. This would make OW
deployment easier, Kafka becoming optional, while opening the door for
other connectors like AWS Kinesis, Azure Event Hub, and others (see the
link at [1] for a more complete list of connectors )

[1] - https://developer.lightbend.com/docs/alpakka/current/
On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 7:30 AM Markus Thömmes <markusthoem...@apache.org>

> Hi Tyson, Carlos,
> FWIW I should change that to no longer say "Kafka" but "buffer" or "message
> queue".
> I see two use-cases for a queue here:
> 1. What you two are alluding to: Buffering asynchronous requests because of
> a different notion of "latency sensitivity" if the system is in an overload
> scenario.
> 2. As a work-stealing type balancing layer between the ContainerRouters. If
> we assume round-robin/least-connected (essentially random) scheduling
> between ContainerRouters, we will get load discrepancies between them. To
> smoothen those out, a ContainerRouter can put the work on a queue to be
> stolen by a Router that actually has space for that work (for example:
> Router1 requests a new container, puts the work on the queue while it waits
> for that container, Router2 already has a free container and executes the
> action by stealing it from the queue). This does has the added complexity
> of breaking a streaming communication between User and Container (to
> support essentially unbounded payloads). A nasty wrinkle that might render
> this design alternative invalid! We could come up with something smarter
> here, i.e. only putting a reference to the work on the queue and the
> stealer connects to the initial owner directly which then streams the
> payload through to the stealer, rather than persisting it somewhere.
> It is important to note, that in this design, blocking invokes could
> potentially gain the ability to have unbounded entities, where
> trigger/non-blocking invokes might need to be subject to a bound here to be
> able to support eventual execution efficiently.
> Personally, I'm much more torn to the work-stealing type case. It implies a
> wholy different notion of using the queue though and doesn't have much to
> do with the way we use it today, which might be confusing. It could also
> well be the case, that work-stealing type algorithms are easier to back on
> a proper MQ vs. trying to make it work on Kafka.
> It might also be important to note that those two use-cases might require
> different technologies (buffering vs. queue-backend for work-stealing) and
> could well be seperated in the design as well. For instance, buffering
> triggers fires etc. does not necessarily need to be done on the execution
> layer but could instead be pushed to another layer. Having the notion of
> "async" vs "sync" in the execution layer could be benefitial for
> loadbalancing itself though. Something worth exploring imho.
> Sorry for the wall of text, I hope this clarifies things!
> Cheers,
> Markus
> Am Sa., 18. Aug. 2018 um 02:36 Uhr schrieb Carlos Santana <
> csantan...@gmail.com>:
> > triggers get responded right away (202) with an activation is and then
> > sent to the queue to be processed async same as async action invokes.
> >
> > I think we would keep same contract as today for this type of activations
> > that are eventually process different from blocking invokes including we
> > Actions were the http client hold a connection waiting for the result
> back.
> >
> > - Carlos Santana
> > @csantanapr
> >
> > > On Aug 17, 2018, at 6:14 PM, Tyson Norris <tnor...@adobe.com.INVALID>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi -
> > > Separate thread regarding the proposal: what is considered for routing
> > activations as overload and destined for kafka?
> > >
> > > In general, if kafka is not on the blocking activation path, why would
> > it be used at all, if the timeouts and processing expectations of
> blocking
> > and non-blocking are the same?
> > >
> > > One case I can imagine: triggers + non-blocking invokes, but only in
> the
> > case where those have some different timeout characteristics. e.g. if a
> > trigger fires an action, is there any case where the activation should be
> > buffered to kafka if it will timeout same as a blocking activation?
> > >
> > > Sorry if I’m missing something obvious.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Tyson
> > >
> > >
> >

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